Monday, December 27, 2010

Not Good Enough

ok! We all know it's a Love war going on,, Some men say it's a lack of good women and the women say it's a lack of good men,, Is there there really a short coming of good individuals who are willing to submit and love one another? well from speaking to different men and women it's seems to me that ,, those who has been hurt by that one person they truly loved caused them to a lack of trust, afraid to love, to be fully open, so a wall was put up to guard them from having to experience that pain. well some people do guard there hearts but some don't. Many people take chances on love because love is what they want. But at times we are taking chances with the wrong people. further we submit ourselves to those who are not willing to give in return not talking about materialistic things. Love yourselves to know when it's time to let go, when it's time to submit and when it's time to walk away. All love isn't good love. We all have expectations and standards. You know what you want and need from someone. So if you know you want a man who is willing to work and be successful. Than why settle for a man who doesn't want nothing good for himself. If he don't want nothing good for himself what in the hell makes you think he gonna want and provide the goods for you? Men if you want a woman who will support you and respect you. Than don't go after a women who thinks she is better than you and is always willing to want more than what you can give. she's not going to respect you as a man. My point is we keep lowering our standards for others,, when your standards are tangible and realistic don't lower them for nobody. Learn to love yourselves before you can love somebody else. If you know you deserve the best than give yourself the best dont cut yourself short than your not going to be happy and everyone deserves to be happy, life is to short not to be..

1 comment:

  1. You state many crucial points here Kisha. It is very sad though how many of us women tend to lower our standards and accept a man even if he mentally or physically abuses the person that we are. I also think too that it depends on the way we were raised. People tend to work off of experiences past, or present..Sometimes this is a good thing and sometimes it is not. If one is used to having positive male role model(s) in their lives then she knows/ fully accepts her special value as a woman. She knows/refuses to settle for less or anyone who would ever disrespect her in any way. But on the other hand, If a woman is used to abusive or negative men in her past or present, she is willing to accept that disrespect from any man that is in her life, because that is all she knows. It's sad but that's reality. We must first recognize that 1) I am a Child of God, made in His image, nothing less 2) I deserve respect, and nothing less 3)I have the power to accept or reject this type of person in my life..(It is a choice...) So many woman make the WRONG choices..If a guy tells you one thing...ok...whatever..Talk is cheap...But if he SHOWS you the way he is..and if he is typically consistent with it!!! Get a clue!!! Whether good or bad..If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...Then dogonit..It's a freaking duck!! COme on ladies!! We have got to show some type of common sense and know when we are getting played..But Love is SOOOOO blind sometimes that we just don't want to see it...But we seriously have to pray that God gives us the spirit of discernment to be able to weed out any snakes in the grass..
